We take you on a walk – The BARMER Real Talk – honest, blunt and 100% real:
Episode 1 – Victoria van Violence talks to us about self-love, body positivity and healthy selfishness!
Episode 2 – Sjard Roscher, fitness model, author and motivational coach, talks to us about a self-determined life, the meaning of money and explains what pony farms can do for you.
Episode 3 – Hero or Victim? These are two sides that Laura Gehlhaar has to deal with. Laura is a social worker, blogger, activist and author and talks to us about her life and experiences as a wheelchair user and her everyday life in the big city.
Episode 4 – Marco Klahold is primarily a student, but also a passionate photographer, traveler and “momentcapturer”. The Cologne native talks to us about traveling, the experiences he has gained and how they have changed him. Marco also knows a lot about happiness in everyday life. As a photographer, he has been able to turn his passion into a profession.
Victoria van Violence
Sjard Roscher
Laura Gehlhaar
Marco Klahold
Tobin S. Hecker
Dominic Nemec
Tobin S. Hecker
Johannes Kaczmarczyk
Johannes Kaczmarczyk
Torben, Lucie und die gelbe Gefahr GmbH | Producer: Simon Bölts